While this isn't a requirement for being factorable, this program was written for students taking the ACT and that rule does apply to the test, so for it's intended purpose - it works great, however, if you have a discriminant that's a perfect square, but isn't an integer (like 1/4), then the program will just loop forever and you'll have to press "ON" to make it stop If fPart(√(B²-4*A*C))≠0:Then B²-4AC→D (B+√(D))/(2A)→K (B-√(D))/(2A)→J Text(1,1,0,"Not Factorable") Text(1,20,0,"Solutions:") Text(1,30,0,"X1 = ",round(K,5)) Text(1,40,0,"X2 = ",round(J,5)) Pause :ClrHome:AxesOn Stop End // This is the start of the original poster's code. It's set to pause on the final output so you can read the results, simply press to clear the screen.
If the discriminant (B²-4*A*C) is negative, then it'll do the Quadratic Formula and display the solutions rounded to two decimal places (the rounding is just for formatting purposes, if you have the TI84 Plus CE you can let it round to a higher value).
Enjoy! = Comments will be denoted with "//.", make sure you don't type those parts into your program, they're just there to help you understand what everything means = // This first block of code lays out the general setup (basically preparing the output to look pretty) ClrHome AxesOff PlotsOff GridOff FnOff ClrDraw // This block prompts the user for input and saves the variables Disp " Quadratic"," Solver","" Disp "AX²+BX+C=0","" Input "A = ",A Input "B = ",B Input "C = ",C ClrHome // This block is checking to see if the solutions will be imaginary/complex. If you try to copy/paste it, you might get some errors, but if you simply retype it line for line it should work out fine :). I'll post the code here in case it's helpful for anyone. For those who're curious, I typed the program using the TI Connect CE Software, and I transferred it to my calculator w/ the USB cord. I've added scripts to account for complex solutions, unfactorable quadratics, and solving differences of squares problems (which for some reason the original code didn't seem to do for me). I've taken what you've done and (I think?) perfected it. I'm just dropping by to say thanks to the original poster for giving me the framework to create an awesome program.